Topic outline

  • Goal: The online teacher interacts in a professional, effective manner with colleagues, parents, and other members fo the community to support students' success.

    Text and media areas: 7 Pages: 3 Forums: 3 URL: 1
    • Wow! That was not what I pictured........Online learning can bring different things out of different people. In your experience, do you think students are more likely to show different personas or adults? How will this knowledge impact your course? What are your strongest attributes?

  • Goal: The online teacher promotes student success throughclear expectations, prompt reponses, and regular feedback.

    Text and media areas: 5 Chat: 1 Forums: 3 File: 1 Page: 1

  •  Goal: The online teacher plans, designs, and incorporates strategies to encourage active learning, application, interaction, participation, and collaboration in the online environment



    • to understand the value of instrinsic motivation
    • to apply learning about instrinsic motivation to an online learning experience
    • to describe methods or strategies to motivate a student who is unlikely to complete a course

    What is motivation and how does it impact learning? What does it mean for my online students?

    Let's try our own little experiment and see how it impacts your motivation!

    In this exercise you will have three choices related to your exploration of this topic. You may select from the following options:

    1. Read several research articles provided for you about motivation and be ready to comment on your connections.
    2. Watch Daniel Pink's video on motivation and its relationship to a business model. Relate his key points to education and how they intersect. Predict how the parallels will impact your online course.
    3. Find resources online or in the library about motivation. Share common elements with participants.
    4. Create a combo of several options! (for overachievers only!!)

    In any case, your job is to collect evidence on the value of intrinsic motivation. You will also be asked to talk about the impact of choice in this exercise and how it affected you.

    Text and media areas: 6 Files: 3 URLs: 4 Forums: 2
  •  Goal: The online teacher knows the primary concepts and structures of effective online instruction and is able to create learning experiences to enable student success.

    When you visit a colleague's classroom do you immediately have a "vibe" or a flavor, maybe a feel for the class atmosphere? You'll find out that it's practically the same thing when students log into your online class.

    Text and media areas: 3 Files: 4 URLs: 2 Forum: 1
  •  Goal: The online teacher demonstrates competencies in creating and implementing assessments in online learning environments in ways that ensure validity and realiability of the instruments and procedures.

    Text and media area: 1 File: 1 URLs: 2 Forum: 1

  • Goal: The online teacher is cognizant of the diversity of student academic needs and incorporates accomodations in to the online environment.

    Text and media areas: 5 Forums: 2 URLs: 2
  •  Goal: The online teacher understands and is able to use a range of technologies, both existing and emerging, that effectively support student learning and engagement in the online environment

    Text and media areas: 9 Wiki: 1 URLs: 2
  • Goal: The online teacher develops and delivers assessments, projects, and assignments that meet standards-based learning goals and assesses learning progress by measuring student achievement of lthe learning goals.

    Text and media areas: 6 URLs: 9 Files: 2 Forum: 1
  •  The online teacher knows the primary concepts and structures of effective online instruction and is able to create learning experiences to enable student success.

    When you visit a colleague's classroom do you immediately have a "vibe" or a flavor, maybe a feel for the class atmosphere? You'll find out that it's practically the same thing when students log into your online class.

    Your last assignment in this course is to create an Online Teaching Kit for submission. A template has been included below to assist you in the final course task.  This kit will be instrumental as you work with students in a virtual environment.

    Use the template below and be sure to include the following:

    • iNacol's standards (basis for the  kit)
    • Welcome message (Remember, this would be the first contact with students.)
    • Introductory message which describes you and your teaching style
    • Roles and responsibilities of both student and teacher
    • Student expectations
    • Grading and communication policy ( online routine)
    • Additional resources
    Files: 4 Assignment: 1 Text and media area: 1 Forum: 1